


A mixture of micronutrients and amino acids used to stimulate the plant and remedy the deficiency of micronutrients.




Zinc (Zn)


Iron (Fe)


Manganese (Mn)


Magnesium (Mg)


Amino Acids


Copper (Cu)


Boron (B)


Molybdenum (Mo)


Cobalt (C)


Nickel (Ni)


Sulfur (S)





It is a fertilizer compound containing rare micronutrients in an integrated and balanced manner as an easily absorbable chelate.                   

Benefits Of Micro Elements:

  • Micro Elements product is a fertilizer that contains micronutrients in an integrated and balanced manner as easily absorbable chelates.
  • It contains a ratio of amino acids that help the plant to resist environmental stress.
  • It contains iron that increases the formation rate of chlorophyll during the photosynthesis process; also, it acts as a cofactor in respiration.
  • It contains manganese that plays an important role in the Redox Reactions and in the Protein Synthesis process.
  • It contains Zinc that plays a role in the transformation of the amino acid (Tryptophan) which is the source of the plant hormone (Indole Acetic Acid). Such hormone plays an important role in the root growth and cell divisions of the lateral vacuoles.
  • Zinc is a very important component for the carbohydrate metabolism as it stimulates many enzymes that convert sugars into the energy needed for all biological processes within the plant tissues. Zinc also plays a role in the representation of both nitrogen and phosphorous and in Protein Synthesis process.
  • It contains Boron that stimulates the growth of meristematic cells and increases the growth of root hair and fertility of flowerings and fruit nodes.


The Dose & Usage Method:



Usage Time & Period

Additions shall be made by spraying leaves

Wheat - Rice

        50-75 Ml/liter of  Water

The first use shall be in the branching stage. It shall be used then repeatedly at the beginning of the spikes expulsion.


15 days prior to flowering. It shall be used then repeatedly in the grain filling stage.


15 days prior to flowering. It shall be used then repeatedly at the beginning of boll formation.

Vegetable Crops

After the formation of a vegetable system sufficient to absorb the spray solution. It shall be used then repeatedly every 15-20 days depending on the need of the plant.


The first spray shall be made 40 days after planting. It shall be used then repeated twice with a break of 15 days.

Evergreen Fruits

The first use shall be before the flowering stage and the second use shall be after completion of nodes. It shall be used then repeated twice with a break of 15 days between every two uses

Deciduous Fruits

The first use shall be when the leaves completely appear. It shall be used then repeatedly 2-3 times with a break of 10 days between every two uses


The first use shall be before the flowering stage. It shall be used then repeatedly after completion of nodes.

Onions – Garlic

The first use shall be after seedling. It shall be used then repeated twice with a break of 20 days between every two uses


The first use shall be after leaves formation and the second use shall be after completion of the node. The third use shall be after two weeks from the second use.

Additions added by water irrigation (Drip Irrigation)

Field Crops-Vegetables-Fruit

0.75-1 Liter/ Acre

(Depending on the need of the plant)

It shall be used 2-3 times depending on the need of the plant with a break of 20 days between every two uses.


Available In 500 ml &1 Liter